Life is far too complex and the universe is far too vast for humans to be the only beings to exist

Chech out my instagram for more eye opeening information @wearenotalone5151

Have you ever been involed in a scenario that made you think twice about your existence. Maybe an event occured that was far too coincidental and calculated. An event in which you felt like a pawn in a much larger game and with that thought you found your mind questioning life iteslf. When I was in 7th grade, my english class and I watched the movie Truman. Now, if you have not seen this movie I strongly suggest you do because it changed my way of thinking in terms of how I exists and proceed with life. At the age of 11, sitting in my enlgish classroom, I could not have told you that the second my teacher, Mrs. Sam, turned on the rolling TV and the static from the screen slowly opened, that I would never, ever again be able to conceptualize life as I had. And what I mean by as I had, is from the childish, small minded, ignorant perspective. As I reflect on my youth, and as I recall this story, I find it beyond commical that I had the audacity to beleive that we as humans were the center of the universe and beyond that, we were the only beings on the universe. Quite childish of me, but granted, I was in fact a child.

I walked out of that classroom, questioning my entire life, and my entire existence. Has my entire life been a simulation? Has the governmetn been crontrolling my everyone move? Is the education system just a way to shape and prune us so we never question those in authority? How much do we actually know about our lives? For all we know there could be thousands of other planets with humans inhabiting them and we are just entirely unawares. We are more than unaware. We are unaware that we are unaware. That's a tad frightening.

While you read this you may question my sanity and think of me as a rather hyperbolic human, but the fact of the matter is, I am just being realistic and confronting what everyone else is either too dumb to even question or too afraid. I mean for pete sakes if people can beleive in a GODand a Heaven (which I find comical), then it cannot seem that outraeous that there may be other forms of life outsdide of our own. Christ sakes, some of you raise your children telling them that if they tell a lie they will burn for eternity. And I seem crazy.

In 1969, we proved that we as a scoiety are capable of leaving this planet. And yet we have not left yet! Why? Why have we not returned to the moon. If we are so desperate to find a new habitable earth befor our glutenous and selfish society destroys the one we currently are destroying, then why havent we developed a society on the moon yet? I am going to tell you why we have not as it is truly the only explanational answer. As iterated before, we have had interglatic capacities since the '70s, however once we proved that we coyld infact leave, that we do in fact have the technolgoy to allow us to live outside the earth, the aliens quarantined us. They think our species is destructive. Can we even utter that they are wrong? There is a deep state that hides everything from we the people and we are only shown very primitive technology so tha we can live in an illusiom. If anyone were to try to show what is really going on they would be killed. Anyone holding a position of power is aslo in on the entire plot otherewise they would be killed off just like JFK for example. We as humans have show that we can kill others rather easily so why haven't more presidents been assasinated? I mean security is not that great look what happeneed this past year in the capital.


Think about satellites for example. What even are those things???? Does anyone actually know what they do? Of course not. Because, they are giant laser beam shooting weapons that protect us from alien invasions and are used to threaten people who will disrupt the illusion. Let me put it to you this way. We are basically in a giant standoff with the aliens where if we leave our atmospehre too far we will get destroyed but if they come to close to our laser beaming satellites they will get destroyed. We have been in contact wiht extraterrestrials for a while. With proper meditation you can still contact them, join the call, pay the money and relish in the consequences

The governemnt hides so much from us. Are you going to sit around and do nothing? Why are we kept from knowing such critical information? Can we even trust the government at this point? I certainly don't. Imagine what else they hide from us?

It is time to stop living idle lives and going through the motions. Question everything! Trust no one!

"It would be arrogant to think we are alone"

Conscious intention creates robust effects

Great podcast!

When you think about it, there is more harm in not believing than there is in beleiving.

There are people behind the scenes who actually control everything what's going on ad not our elected officials. We are in a standoff with the aliens because of these people and we will ever progress as a species because of the past decisions they have made! For instance the Roswell human spacecraft traveled through time and crashed back on earth and gave new technology. All of our space travel adn space travel is based on relative gravitationa physics which is simply time travel. So until we fully master time travel we cannot master space travel. Hence, why we have not returend to the moon. I hope you join me on this journey to expose such secrets and try to connect with the aliens because they are out there. We can show them that not all humans are evil and destructive. We have something to offer!!

We Are Not Alone